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Click below for snippets of our singing or come to one of our concerts.

Our Next Performance...


Thursday 27th March 2025, 7.30pm

St Swithun's Church, Sandy

This concert will include both Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring (JS Bach), a well known chorale which accompanies an even better known organ solo, and Jesu Meine Freude (also JS Bach) which is a complex motet in eleven movements. It is one of few lengthy Bach works that is scored for double soprano, alto, tenor and bass (5 parts). Choral works by Bach tend to be written in 4 or 8 parts. If you've never heard these pieces before, you simply must come. If you have heard them before, I know you'll come! The second half of the concert will be significantly lighter in style and will include music by Lauridsen, Dubra, Whitacre as well as an arrangement of Scarborough Fair that I am almost certain you won't have heard before! (Bene't Coldstream)

Tickets are £12 on the door (includes refreshments)

Forthcoming concerts


Thursday 27th March 2025, 7.30pm

St Swithun's Church, Sandy

Further details to follow

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